The Loved Dog
I want to say that pretty much catches you up on this waste of time, but in case you need a little more explanation I'll elaborate.
First off, the entire beginning of the book is an overly detailed description of her life story. There's some merit for explaining your perspective, but this book should not sub as a biography to stroke your ego. You're about a quarter of the way through before she even gets to the subject of dog training.
Then there's the never ending name dropping. I've worked with so and so's dog, I hung out at the beach with this person and there were paparazzi. Here there is absolutely no relevance to training, and it annoyed me to no end.
What made all of this worse was a bombardment of flowery language. Using excessive similes, adjectives, and long tangents, made it a painful read. It read like an amateur prose at a coffee house poetry night.
It comes down to this: She had nothing to say. The book is all filler, and no content. What "patented" training techniques she talks about have been around for quite some time. The basic premise is sugar gets more flies than vinegar. That statement and a Wikipedia search on dog training gives me the same insight and doesn't waste hours of my life. I read this cover to cover and wanted my money back and an apology.
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