Celebrating our beautiful boy's anniversary

Happy Gotcha Day, Relay

A great family trip

Our trip to Amherst, VA was amazing.

An easy way to make your own jerky

A DIY project your pups will love.

Set up an email alert for your perfect pet

Use Adopt-a-pet's search saver to let you know when your right pet needs a home.

Let's here it for the boy

I was so happy and incredibly proud.

We do it for all the smiling faces

Dog overpopulation is growing problem in the US and I'm trying to find my way to help.

How Relay became ours

Every dog has a story, and this is how our perfect pound pup came home.

An easy treat

Find directions on how to make one of Relay's favorite treats.

August 11, 2013

Preparing for change

Right now I'm in a hotel room in Houston with absolutely no idea where I'll be in 3 months. When I started this blog it was to help promote the homeless pets in our care and outside of our fostering, I really didn't get into too much of my personal life. Seeing as I've been a terrible blogger these last few months, I might as well offer some sort of explanation. If in case you didn't know, we're a Navy family. That is until November of this year. Jeff will process out of the military after 10 years of service. I was in for 6 years myself, and...

June 12, 2013

What's one more?

A few weeks back our neighbor informed us that she had some long work days ahead. Would we be willing to let her (recently rescued pekingese :-) dog, Brucey Bear out during the day? Of course, not a problem. He gets along great with Relay. Then came the call from NACC. Could we possibly take in a mother and her 5 kittens? Of course, not a problem....

June 5, 2013

Introducing... Kyle!

After another trip to the vet to help Collie and Sheltie Rescue for the last sheltie from the hoarding situation and a collie that was an owner surrender (that trip totaling $630), I was cleared to take Kyle home. To hear his back story, check this post out. Isn't that face heartbreaking?  Well, my days have been filled with s-l-o-w progress....

May 28, 2013

Sheltie rescues respond to hoarding in NOVA

What would we do without great rescues? The Humane Society of Orange County reached out to local Shetland Sheepdog rescues to help with a hoarding case. The owner lost her home and 15 shelties were turned in. Without hesitation Northern Virginia, Northern Chesapeake, and Collie and Sheltie Rescue of Southeast Virginia were there to step in. These...

May 22, 2013

Nobody called

Well, this is the excuse I allowed myself. I'd planned on writing my next post the when I got another call to be a foster. So I waited and put off blogging. And kept putting it off. Honestly, I have no excuse. But here to distract you from my bad writing habits is the latest group to take over our spare bathroom. This is my first crack at fostering...

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